They last maybe a second or two, the moments that matter. I have written before about how it is the moments that count. With a sick sense of humor we will be able to find joy in even the worst situations. Lets all hope that we are not put in bad situations where we are only hoping for a brief second of joy. But when we are completely happy we need to stop for a moment and realize what is happening around us and how blessed we are.
No on is immune to problems of life. With prayer the hope they will get better will not always come true! The hope of better times will strengthen us to get past what it is we are going through. Put the confidence in Jesus, In God, to make the bad times go away. It is the end of July 2020 and the great country of America is in shambles. I put my faith in God that my family will be taken care of. Our willingness to put effort into making miracles happen for us will truly be what does make miracles happen.
Remember God is in charge everything is in his hands.Even through great pain we must show our faithfulness to Him. Today, tomorrow no matter what comes our way rely on God and the strengthen He gives us to work our way through it.
Psalm 69:13
13 But I pray to you, Lord, in the time of your favor; in your great love, O God, answer me with your sure salvation.