Protected by something.

Protected by something.

Not even our moms and dads are with us throughout our entire life every moment of every day. But God is with us always. He never takes a moment off. I don't know other thoughts on guardian angels. Is it God personally who is with us always? Yes He is all powerful and with the growing population I wouldn't think God would have any problem stretching His love to all of us at every moment of everyday. 

Guardian angels or God we can find great comfort in knowing that we are always protected. He patiently leads us as a Shepard leads His herd, through the dark valleys fearless of what is to come. He is leading us to heaven! 

We are by ourselves in this life but we should be encouraged to live fully knowing that we are protected and being lead by our ruler our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.  


23 Yet I am always with you;
    you hold me by my right hand.
24 You guide me with your counsel,
    and afterward you will take me into glory.


Protected by something.
GGGent Life
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