Out of the comfort zone.

Out of the comfort zone.

Fellowship with the Lord and His people can change the lives of many. The people we surround ourselves with has a great impact on who we become. I want to be in the group of people who are making moves. Yes chilling all day not doing much is needed sometimes but what greatness is being brought that way? 

Make time to get out of the way for change. Be in fellowship with Gods people, hear how God has changed their life, the experiences they had when they came to the Lord the joy that has entered their hearts and the way that greatness has been brought to them. The greatness that they are now putting out into this world. 

If you or some one you know is thinking about coming to the Lord and being surround by people who already have I encourage you to do so. The change is kind of scary at first. Being lost coming into a brand new place to worship and learn about God is worth it. God is the change 


1 John 1:3-4 

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete.


Out of the comfort zone.
GGGent Life
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