Growing with Jesus through out this study ( Survival Kit. 5 Keys to effective spiritual growth.)
We will go through all 5 themes.
1.Body-- Life and Service
2. Natures -- Old and the New
3. Aspects of Salvation --Beginning, Process, and Completion
4. Sources of Authority -- The Inadequate and the Adequate
5. Principle -- Reaching Others Through Prayer and Witnessing
Lets Go.
A quick overview of what each subject will be about
1.Body-- Life and Service: A church is the place where spiritual growth is easiest and most natural to grow. Your relationship with a church will heavily impact your growth. Be choosy of where you choose to go and worship. I recommend going somewhere where they will challenge you to grow. Do not be scared of the fire that God has placed in some people. Find a place where there are plenty of different opportunities to volunteer for missions and ministries.
Proverbs 27:17 -- As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
2. Natures -- Old and the New: With Jesus there will be victory as long as you do not give up. Every Christian soon learns that life is not always smooth. Becoming a devout Christian, you will be changed. Recognizing that the Spirit that lives inside of you is active, allow it to move through. It's exciting, but those old ways of yours that prevent the Spirit of God moving don't completely go away.
The theme here is to learn how to handle your inner conflict with sin. Satan may not be given any attention, but that sure does not mean he to is not close. He will keep you in conflict with your self, if that is his only play to defeat you.
Sin, learn to deal with inner it. Failing to understand how to handle your conflict with sin opens the door for Satan to hit you with doubts, trick and confuse you.
Isaiah 44: 8 -- Do not tremble, do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one.”