Abide means "To remain." Stay with God and God will remain with us. The more that are thoughts are in Hos greatness the world we live in will not be as bad as it may seem. We are always going to experience hard time.Yes some like now are much different. Abiding in God is rooted in daily prayer, when we pray we are asking God to be with us. We understand that with out God nothing good can be done. I dont know about you but I want to do good in this world and the next,
We must be devoted to hearing what God as to say to us. Acknowledging what God is speaking is equally important. The words that God speaks continue to be ignored the words will stop coming. Make decisions based on the guidance that God is leading us closer to Him.
John 15:7-8
7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.